
Mostrando postagens de junho, 2017

Amor, Amar

Amor (noun): love. One of the most beautiful feelings one can experience, which inspires songwriters and singers. Click on the video below and listen to one of the most famous Brazilian tunes about love, written by Zezé di Camargo in a beautiful version by Maria Bethania. Translated lyrics I'm not gonna deny it I'm crazy about you Crazy to see you I'm not gonna deny it. I'm not gonna deny it Without you it's all missing You bring me happiness I'm not gonna deny it I'm not gonna deny it You're my sweetheart my little piece of heaven I'm not gonna deny it You're my my sweet lover My happiness My fairy tale My fantasy The peace I need to survive I'm your lover Of transparent soul a crazy halucinating man a complicated case to be understood It's love that messes with my mind and makes me like this it makes me think of you and forget about me it makes me forget life is meant to be lived It's love


Amigo (masculine noun/ feminine form: amiga): friend. Someone you cherish in your heart. There are many Brazilian songs about friends and friendship, but probably one of the most famous of them is "Canção da América", which is a translation/version by Fernando Brant of the song Unencounter , written by Milton Nascimento to a friend of his, the South African Ricky Fataar. Canção da América Amigo é coisa para se guardar Debaixo de sete chaves Dentro do coração Assim falava a canção que na América ouvi Mas quem cantava chorou Ao ver o seu amigo partir Mas quem ficou, no pensamento voou Com seu canto que o outro lembrou E quem voou, no pensamento ficou Com a lembrança que o outro cantou Amigo é coisa para se guardar No lado esquerdo do peito Mesmo que o tempo e a distância digam "não" Mesmo esquecendo a canção O que importa é ouvir

Axe music

Axé music (noun; musical genre): it's a kind of music originally from Bahia, which emerged in Salvador during the 1980s through a mix of various other genres, such as ijesha , reggae, forró, samba-rock, etc. It's impossible not to dance when it starts playing, with its characteristic groovy electric guitars, bass, drums and, in many cases, double meaning lyrics, to which choreographs are synchronized. The term 'axé music' was coined in 1987 by journalist  Hagamenon Brito, and intended to have a pejorative tone - he didn't think axé's aspiration to be pop (specially overseas) would ever become true. 1 Despite the prejudice towards the rhythm, the musical industry realized it was a market with an enormous potential, and it was all over media in the 80s and 90s. It got internationally famous being recorded by Michael Jackson ( They don't care about us ) and Paul Simon. Axé dancers Carla Perez, Jacaré and Débora Brasil ('É o Tchan'). Available at: 

Musical dictionary of Brazilian Portuguese - Intro and some letter A: afoxe, agogo, and atabaque

If you are learning Portuguese or are, for any reason, interested in Brazilian music and culture, this blog is meant for you. I'm working on a list of entries to compile a dictionary of Brazilian Portuguese focused on musical terms - more specifically, on words related to the musical universe: cultural expressions, names of rhythms, dancing styles, musical instruments, singers, bands and songs (which I'll translate sometimes) - or anything else that I find worth sharing. Besides definitions for the featured words, I'll also work to provide some context and background information about them, commenting on the more interesting or relevant facts about each word. As putting up a dictionary is a Herculean job, it will take me a lot of time to complete it, and many, many posts (check the blog frequently to keep up with the new posts). I actually haven't listed all words that will be in it yet, just brainstormed ideas for the first letters, so that I'm good to go and sta