Axe music

Axé music (noun; musical genre): it's a kind of music originally from Bahia, which emerged in Salvador during the 1980s through a mix of various other genres, such as ijesha, reggae, forró, samba-rock, etc. It's impossible not to dance when it starts playing, with its characteristic groovy electric guitars, bass, drums and, in many cases, double meaning lyrics, to which choreographs are synchronized. The term 'axé music' was coined in 1987 by journalist  Hagamenon Brito, and intended to have a pejorative tone - he didn't think axé's aspiration to be pop (specially overseas) would ever become true.1 Despite the prejudice towards the rhythm, the musical industry realized it was a market with an enormous potential, and it was all over media in the 80s and 90s. It got internationally famous being recorded by Michael Jackson (They don't care about us) and Paul Simon.

Resultado de imagem para é o tchan
Axé dancers Carla Perez, Jacaré and Débora Brasil ('É o Tchan').
Available at:

Axé proposed a colorful and sensual aesthetics which actually got so huge that it has influenced even fashion styles, specially gym clothing. Gyms offer axé dancing classes, there are hundreds of micaretas (mini carnival parties) every year in Brazil, and most ball room dancing events still play axé, which is a sign of the genre's success - although now it sounds quite different from the origins, as it has evolved through time.

Some famous axe bands and singers (the ones I like the most) in (tentative) chronological order and/or similarity:
P.s. I've linked their names to their most famous tunes (or not).

Luis Caldas, Sarajane, Banda Reflexus
Olodum, Araketu,
Chiclete com Banana, Asa de Águia, Netinho
Daniela Mercury, Margareth Menezes, Ivete Sangalo
Banda Mel, Banda Eva, Banda Cheiro de Amor
É o Tchan, Terra Samba, Gera Samba, Braga Boys
As meninas
Babado Novo,



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