Amor, Amar

Amor (noun): love. One of the most beautiful feelings one can experience, which inspires songwriters and singers. Click on the video below and listen to one of the most famous Brazilian tunes about love, written by Zezé di Camargo in a beautiful version by Maria Bethania.

Translated lyrics

I'm not gonna deny it
I'm crazy about you
Crazy to see you
I'm not gonna deny it.

I'm not gonna deny it
Without you it's all missing
You bring me happiness
I'm not gonna deny it

I'm not gonna deny it
You're my sweetheart
my little piece of heaven
I'm not gonna deny it

You're my my sweet lover
My happiness
My fairy tale
My fantasy
The peace I need to survive

I'm your lover
Of transparent soul
a crazy halucinating man
a complicated case to be understood

It's love
that messes with my mind
and makes me like this
it makes me think of you
and forget about me
it makes me forget life
is meant to be lived

It's love
that hit me as a shoot
in my heart
it put down the basis of my passion
it made me understand life
is nothing without you

Amar (verb): to love. It's when you can't disguise no more: everything makes you think of your lover. There is a tune by Roupa Nova that defines it so beautifully, called "Amar é"


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